All autoimmune and autoinflammatory arthritis diseases are heterogeneous in nature - this means while certain symptoms and clinical features may be common, each persons' presentation and progression is unique. In rare diseases, like Still's, this complicates matters for patients, who find it difficult to explain their condition to family, peers, and medical professionals (as most have never treated a Still's patient).
By collecting these stories, we hope to create more awareness and education about Still's Disease for patients, their support network, the public, and the medical community.
*Diversity clause: We understand Still's Disease affects all races, genders, and cultures. All stories that were submitted to our organization are published on this page. Patient selection for the video was limited to 5 spaces (budgetary purposes), representation of the diversity of the disease spectrum - SJIA through AOSD, and a need to enlist primarily European participants because the sponsor is located in Europe. All stories we received were used in the videos or are located below; we are unable to control cultural and gender diversity in these story publications.
Watch individually and view website story submissions below.
Amanda, United Kingdom
Diagnosed with Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (SJIA) at age 5, but struggled to keep this diagnosis until re-diagnosed as an adult at age 41
Video Focus: My Positive Mindset - Creating a lifestyle that is accepting of what I can still do
Catherine, Ireland
Adult-Onset Still's Disease (AOSD)
Video Focus: Confronting My Disease - Developing a support network and overcoming loneliness
Natalie, Australia
Parent of child with Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (SJIA)
Video Focus: It's a Family Disease - Becoming an advocate for your child as a family living with Still's Disease
Adele, United Kingdom
Adult-Onset Still's Disease, initial flare during the time of her wedding
Video Focus: The New Normal
Thank you to all the persons affected by Still's Disease who have submitted their #MyStills stories. While our spaces for video production were limited, the remaining entries are included here on this web page. If you are interested in adding YOUR #MyStills story, please contact us by completing a request for more information.
Aukje (AOSD, Netherlands)
Claire (AOSD, Ireland)
Tammy (Son diagnosed with AOSD, United States)
Lisa (AOSD, United States)
Lana (AOSD, Canada)
Ana (AOSD, United States)
Kari (AOSD, United States)
Karen (AOSD, United States)
Eleanor (AOSD, UK)
Kelly (sJIA, Canada)
Staci (AOSD, United States)
Hannah (AOSD)
Lisa (AOSD, United States)
International Foundation for AiArthritis
6605 Nottingham Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63109-2661
Tax ID: 27-1214308
Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Information on this site is intended for informational purposes only Our foundation does not engage in the practice of medicine. Please consult a physician to obtain personal healthcare and treatment options. 501(c) 3 Nonprofit Tax ID: 27-1214308.