AiArthritis logo showing stylized infinite loop symbol in red with black dots, above organization name for International Foundation for Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Arthritis.

100+ Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory (Ai) Diseases

ALL "AUTO" diseases have some shared symptoms (fatigue, brain fog, exhaustion)

Only a few of these include arthritis early in onset

PLUS joint pain caused by inflammation, not wear and tear, injury, or excessive pressure

Narrowing the focus 
will increase 
our impact 

AUTO + Inflammatory Arthritis = X (one of a couple dozen diseases)

1 of 10 people live with at least one AiArthritis disease. That's 450 million people worldwide.  Chances are that you or someone you know is challenged with these conditions. So what do you need to understand about them?

What is AiArthritis?

AiArthritis logo featuring two interjoined a's with a dot for a letter I in the middle. The name stands for autoimmune and autoinflammatory arthritis.

  Official graphic designed and trademarked (June 2019) by our organization to get people talking about A uto i mmune Arthritis and A uto i nflammatory Arthritis (AiArthritis) , which is the type of arthritis associated with having an autoimmune or autoinflammatory disease.  It is not the same as the most common type of arthritis that occurs from aging, wear and tear, excessive weight, or injury (Osteoarthritis).   

AiArthritis refers to the type of inflammation-driven arthritis associated with having certain Autoimmune or Autoinflammatory diseases ("AiArthritis Disease"). These diseases are caused by the immune system, which is a network of cells and tissues throughout the body that work to defend us from viruses, bacteria, and infection. In our diseases, immune cells target the body's own healthy tissues by mistake and signals the body to attack them.

While there is no one cause for either autoimmune or autoinflammatory diseases, we do know each originates in a part of the immune system.

  • Autoimmune Disease. A group of over 80 diseases caused by reactions of the adaptive immune system, which develops over time. In most cases, these diseases result from a combination of genetic and environmental influences, such as viruses, bacteria, and hormonal triggers, especially in individuals with a genetic predisposition.

  • Autoinflammatory Disease. A group of around 2 dozen rare diseases caused by Innate Immune System (inborn) reactions.  While often there is no known cause, genetic mutations are often thought to be responsible.

Combined there are over 100 autoimmune diseases and autoinflammatory diseases, but only a couple dozen include inflammatory arthritis as a major clinical component in most people ("Autoimmune Arthritis" and "Autoinflammatory Arthritis", or AiArthritis).  While the arthritis unites these diseases, because they are autoimmune and autoinflammatory in nature  they affect more than just the joints. The inflammation travels through the bloodstream, so these diseases affect the whole body, including tissues and organs. 

Approximately 300 million people worldwide are diagnosed with at least one AiArthritis disease. However, research suggests that over 50% of patients go undiagnosed or are diagnosed with a "undifferentiated" disease*, increasing this number to an estimated 450 million.

*Regardless if the disease is autoimmune or autoinflammatory, symptoms and disease activity varies per person.

**Undifferentiated diagnoses occur when a person exhibits disease traits of one or more AiArthritis diseases, but no one disease has fully developed enough to meeting diagnostic criteria for any one disease. Our conclusion is based on research conducted in 2013, the Early Symptoms of AiArthritis study, which based our 50% theory on existing research.

Our diseases start within the immune system.

Venn diagram showing immune system cells involved in autoimmune arthritis. Left circle shows innate immunity (macrophages, mast cells) that cause inflammation. Right circle shows adaptive immunity (T cells, B cells) that produce autoantibodies attacking joints.

Photo credit: Dranoff G. Nat Rev Cancer. 2004;4:11-22

There are two parts of the immune system that play a big role in autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases: the “adaptive”  and the “innate” parts. As research into the immune system has advanced, some diseases once thought to be autoimmune (which stem from the adaptive part) are now categorized as autoinflammatory (which stem from the innate part). Some even fall somewhere in between the two, because at times these systems can cross communicate with each other.

  • Innate (or primitive) Immune System. Innate immunity is the inborn resistance against infections that an individual possesses right from birth. This is the system that is related to Autoinflammatory Diseases.
  • Adaptive (or Acquired) Immune System. This is the part of our immune system that develops over the course of life.


Innate (or born with/primitive) Immune System.  When we are born, this part of our immune system is already working to fight off disease and infection. Autoinflammatory diseases stem from the innate immune system. They are characterized by episodes of apparently unprovoked inflammation (no specific environmental influence).  Autoinflammatory diseases are often caused by mutations in proteins that have a major role in the innate immune system.

Adaptive Immune System. Adaptive (acquired or specific) immunity is triggered by a learned response. Autoimmune diseases are the result of a faulty acquired immune system. As a person's immune system encounters foreign substances (antigens), the components of acquired immunity learn the best way to attack each antigen and begin to develop a memory for that antigen. They involve some combination of genetic and environmental triggers. It is believed that the greater the genetic involvement, the earlier the disease will present; the later the onset, the higher likelihood there is a strong environmental trigger (gut or lung bacteria, smoking, etc.).


A double helix relating how genes have to do with autoinflammatory arthritis diseases

Disease List

There are over 100 autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases ( Ai diseases) plus 100 conditions with arthritis. Only some have inflammatory arthritis as a major component.

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A list icon, having to do with the listing of autoinflammatory arthritis symptoms
 We continue to work towards collecting patient-reported symptoms experienced in early disease so we can develop educational materials to assist with diagnosis.
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A bisecting arrow, conveying the differences between autoinflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis

AiArthritis vs OA

Learn the differences between the most common form of arthritis, Osteoarthritis (OA), and the diseases associated with AiArthritis.  Download this FREE e-book to learn more.
A magnifying glass icon, conveying continued research into autoinflammatory arthritis

Need for Our Organization

In addition to expedited detection and diagnosis to improve quality of life, there is a need to differentiate arthritis types in order to combat confusion and misunderstandings.     

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University of California - San Diego. "Autoinflammatory Disease Model Reveals Role For Innate, Not Adaptive, Immunity." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 11 June 2009.

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS). Autoimmune Diseases (Overview).

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS). Autoinflammatory Diseases (Overview).

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