Lack of awareness leads to relationship conflicts, delayed diagnosis, compromised quality of life, and elevated healthcare costs. Education about these diseases, including the fact they are full body diseases affecting many parts (joints, tissues, organs) is necessary to improve the lives of the 450 million worldwide affected. For these reasons, the world unites annually to DRIVE awareness and education about these diseases.
This event historically unites thousands of people in 60 + countries worldwide to DRIVE global awareness and education about our diseases. To catch the attention of those who do not understand our diseases, including the type of arthritis associated with them, we use AUTO-themed awareness and education materials.
When? For the duration of May 20th annually as it passes through all global time zones equaling a total of 47 hours - 6am EST May 19th - 5am EST May 21st. Find out when it starts in your time zone here.
And make sure to follow all the official World AiArthritis Day social media channels, which will be your go to location for sharing posts for this day and to connect with all the organizations, groups, and individuals participating around the world!
The International Foundation of Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Arthritis (AiArthritis)
Host of World AUTOimmune & AUTOinflammatory Arthritis Day #AiArthritisDay
The International Foundation of Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Arthritis established World AUTOimmune & AUTOinflammatory Arthritis Day #AiArthritisDay in 2012, in response to patients requesting a day that differentiates their diseases from osteoarthritis, primarily a degenerative joint disease resulting from the joint's cartilage deterioration with age, overuse, or injury.
Since then, the purpose has evolved to include education and awareness generally, as well as to collect important resources from around the world so people affected by these diseases can connect to them.
AiArthritis manages the day through the official World
AUTOimmune & AUTOinflammatory
Arthritis Day social media pages.
It is a day for ALL community members and patient organizations to celebrate, DRIVE education and awareness, and fundraise. In 2024, 4 dozen patient organizations and advocates pulled up the the starting line, along with 1000s of individuals worldwide!
For the duration of May 20th annually as it passes through all global time zones equaling a total of 47 hours - 6am EST May 19th - 5am EST May 21
To catch the attention of those who do not understand our
autoimmune and autoinflammatory arthritis diseases we use AUTO-themed awareness and education materials.
This event historically unites thousands of people in more than 60 countries worldwide to drive global awareness and education about our diseases. If you are a business or organization that would like to get involved you can do so by hosting your own events.
Nonprofit Organizations, Advocates, Companies, Health Professionals - Sign Up to FUEL AWARENESS!
Join DOZENS of organizations, advocates, and supporters of AUTOimmune & AUTOinflammatory Arthritis awareness on our OFFICIAL World AiArthritis Day social channels @AIArthritisDay - Facebook, X, Instagram.
Each year during the 47 hour awareness event, AiArthritis is joined by other patient organizations and advocates to host a 4 hour awareness event!
Drive awareness with AiArthritis Day merchandise!
ALL patient organizations are encouraged to do their own fundraisers in honor of this day! Interested in supporting AiArthritis?
International Foundation for AiArthritis
6605 Nottingham Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63109-2661
Tax ID: 27-1214308
Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Information on this site is intended for informational purposes only Our foundation does not engage in the practice of medicine. Please consult a physician to obtain personal healthcare and treatment options. 501(c) 3 Nonprofit Tax ID: 27-1214308.