AiArthritis logo showing stylized infinite loop symbol in red with black dots, above organization name for International Foundation for Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Arthritis.

"Go With Us!" to Conferences 

Unique experience where fellow patients break down lessons learned about our diseases to help our community improve their healthcare journeys.

Coming this June 2025, AiArthritis patients will be heading back to one of the biggest rheumatology research conferences of the year - the EULAR (European Rheumatology) Congress And that means it's time to start signing up to "Go With Us!" #GoWithUs

This patient-designed, one-of-a-kind experience aims to connect patients and caregivers around the world with all the latest and greatest updates in rheumatology in easy to understand reports AND to explain how this information ties into improving patient healthcare TODAY. It's seriously like no other program you've ever participated in, guaranteed!

"Go With Us!" to Conferences. This is a one-of-a-kind experience for people affected by AiArthritis diseases to learn more about research (pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic) and get insights from fellow patients how to use the information discussed to improve your healthcare journey.

"I've learned more about my disease and healthcare management in 7 days "going with you" than I have in a decade. This is truly a don't miss kind of experience!" - Abby, Rheumatoid Arthritis

 #GoWithUs to ACR- November 2024  (Virtual)

Go With Us to EULAR 2024 - Unlocking Remission: Tapering and Withdrawl Insights from EULAR 2024 with Tiffany

Go With Us to EULAR 2024 - Unlocking the Power of Exercise for Rheumatic Diseases: Insights from EULAR 2024 with Becky

Go with Us to the EULAR 2024 - Revolutionary Insights on Cardiovascular Comorbidities in RA Patients | EULAR Day 3 Debrief with Deb

#GoWithUs to EULAR 2024 - June (Virtual)

The AiArthritis team (staff and volunteers - all patients) attended the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR), the largest rheumatology research conference that takes place annually in Europe.

This is one of the best-liked programs we offer at AiArthritis, mostly because it's truly a one-of-a-kind experience. Learn about the latest research (pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical), sessions that aim to improve doctor-patient communication, and gain access to patient-led discussions and lessons based on information presented.

While this year we were not able to attend the conference in person, we  had a team of staff and volunteers (all patients) attending virtually. (Tiffany, AiArthritis CEO - non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis; Leila, AiArthritis Health Education Manager - lupus nephritis & sjogren's disease; Becky - Volunteer & Health Professional - sjogren's disease; Deb - Volunteer & Retired Dietician - Rheumatoid Arthritis).

Go With Us to EULAR 2024 - Unlocking Remission: Tapering and Withdrawal Insights from EULAR 2024 with Tiffany

Go With Us to EULAR 2024 - Unlocking the Power of Exercise for Rheumatic Diseases: Insights from EULAR 2024 with Becky

Go with Us to the EULAR 2024 - Revolutionary Insights on Cardiovascular Comorbidities in RA Patients | EULAR Day 3 Debrief with Deb

#GoWithUs to ACR 2023

#GoWithUs to ACR
Leaders who are persons affected by AiArthritis diseases, headed to the biggest rheumatology conference of the year and we invited YOU to #GoWithUs (virtually, that is).

We did WAY more than just report back what we learned. We (patients/peers) also:

  • Taught you how what was learned was directly tied to your healthcare journey in an easy to understand (and fun) way
  • Shared behind the scenes videos and photos with the people we met, as well as session updates, in daily updates
  • Connected you to resources we gathered that could help you improve your healthcare journey
  • OPTIONAL - For those who really wanted to "Go With Us!" we offered you the opportunity to be zapped into a private WhatsApp group with the people AT the conference and other #GoWithUs attendees so you could learn with us and with each other. WHAT?! Yep, it's true. *

*This program is a free service offered by AiArthritis and made possible thanks to grants and donations from our community. Anyone in the world can register to attend. However, to ensure the privacy of those affected by AiArthritis diseases, for the elevated, private WhatsApp group, only those affected by the diseases (patients, loved ones, the undiagnosed mystery patients) will be permitted into this group.

 "Go With Us" to ACR 2023 - Managing Your Own Pain

"Go With Us!" to ACR 2023 - Eileen's Follow Up

"Go With Us!" to ACR 2023 -Precision Medicine

 Mini #GoWithUs to RNS Annual Conference 2023

Photos: Leila (SLE) and Michael (PsA) enjoying dinner on the first night; Leila with the AiArthritis booth; Leila with Carrie Beach, immediate past president of RNS; Leila with Kevin Lyons, Executive Director of RNS

In early August 2023, we attended the Rheumatology Nurses Society Annual Conference and hosted our first Mini "Go With Us!" in Austin, Texas. 

Thank you to the 20+ people who signed up to "Go With Us!" All the educational takeaway videos can be found in the playlist below.

Mini "Go With Us" to RNS 2023 - Introduction

Mini "Go With Us!" to RNS 2023 - "Drowning in Omega-6’s" Educational Takeaways

Mini "Go With Us!" to RNS 2023 - "Social Tapestry of Rheumatology Care" Educational Takeaways

 #GoWithUs EULAR 2023

Photos: Tiffany (AxSpA), Deb (RA), Eileen (RA); Tiffany, Deb, and Eileen with Rheumatology Nurse Practitioner, Christine Stamatos; Eileen and Deb with Ben Nowell from the Global Healthy Living Foundation; Deb with Auralie Najm, OMERACT Rheumatologist in Glasgow and new AiArthritis board member.

In early June 2023, we attended the first of two rheumatology research conferences this year - the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) Congress in Milan, Italy. 

Thank you to the 50+ people who signed up to "Go With Us!" All the private debrief videos can be found in the playlist below.

Go With Us to EULAR 2023 Welcome and Introduction Video

Go With Us to EULAR 2023 - Updates for June 1, 2023!

Go with Us to the EULAR 2023 - June 2, 2023 Mini Update and Insider Look at EULAR!

AiArthritis #GoWithUs ACR2022

Photos: AiArthritis Go With Us Team; Tiffany and volunteer Deb with Horizon Pharmaceuticals and President and President Elect from Rheumatology Nurses Society; Tiffany and volunteer Deb with FORWARD National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases (housing our own AiArthritis Research Data Bank) and Vasculitis Foundation; Tiffany presenting as the first group of Patient Organizations to lead an ACR presentation with researchers as their panelists.

November 2022

Every year AiArthritis staff and volunteers attend two scientific conferences annually so we can learn new information to incorporate back into the work we do and so we can share information with our community that could improve their health journeys. This has also become part of the "Go With Us!" to Conferences program, where we bring at least one lucky volunteer with us and also bring and unlimited number of extended experience participants with us. This year our full salaried staff (Tiffany, CEO, Axial Spondyloarthritis; Katie, Operations Manager, Rheumatoid Arthritis; Lindsey, Public Policy Manager, Psoriatic Arthritis/parent of juveniles with our diseases; Leila, Education and Engagement Manager, Lupus Nephritis) set out alongside volunteers Deb, Stephanie, and Eileen "Chronic Eileen" - all living with Rheumatoid Arthritis, to report back to you what we learned. Additionally, over 30 patients from around the world signed up to go along daily - which means they get daily insider email updates with videos and messages from our team.

Day One Patient-Led Debrief  with the #GoWithUs AiArthritis Team

Day Two Patient-Led Debrief  with the #GoWithUs AiArthritis Team

Day One Patient-Led Debrief  with the #GoWithUs AiArthritis Team

AiArthritis #GoWithUs EULAR 2022

In June 2022, three AiArthritis'ers (Tiffany, CEO - non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, Katie - Operations Manager - Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Deb - Volunteer - Rheumatoid Arthritis) flew to Denmark to attend EULAR 2022 in person AND we 'took with us' another 16 patients (virtually!)

Hear from the "Go With Us" team about what we learned at EULAR 2022 and see how the information we share can empower you in your own disease management journey.

Education = Empowerment and Action! We didn't just report back information what we learned, we also discussed how the research happening now can impact what therapies patients may have access to now and in the future.

Also - with so many 'going with us', we TRENDED #gowithus on Facebook!

AiArthritis #GoWithUs ACR 2021

Watch all the Patient-Reported Research Debriefs from ACR 2021!

Join core AiArthritis team - Tiffany, Deb, and Katie, along with two dditional attendees we invited to attend "with us" this year:  Effie Koliopoulos (@RisingAboveRa on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) and Stephanie Aleite (@theYoungFace_RA on Twitter and @the YoungFaceofArthritis on Instagram and TikTok).

This years core topics included: Precision Medicine, Remission, Alternative Therapies, COVID19, Health Disparities, and much more. You can find all our debriefs available on our YouTube channel!

Watch our Patient-Led ACR21 Debriefs!

AiArthritis goes to EULAR 2021

Watch all the Patient-Reported Research Debriefs from EULAR2021!

Join core AiArthritis team - Tiffany, Deb, and Katie, along with three additional attendees we invited to attend "with us": Patrice (who attended with us in 2020), Leslie Rott Welsbacher (from Getting Closer to Myself blog) and Eileen Davidson (Chronic Eileen), as we attend the EULAR 2021 Congress. 

You can find all our debriefs available on our YouTube channel!

Watch our Patient-Led Conversational EULAR2021 Debriefs!

Watch the ACR 2020 Debriefs

Watch all the EULAR 2020 Debriefs

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