AiArthritis logo showing stylized infinite loop symbol in red with black dots, above organization name for International Foundation for Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Arthritis.

These AiArthritis resources were hand picked by staff and volunteers who are or remember what it's like to be newly diagnosed.  They provide valuable information and support to help you comprehend and manage your condition. We hope that by utilizing these resources you will be empowered to take charge of your journey and find the support and guidance you need.

RESOURCES FOR the Newly diagnosed

Who Am I Now?

Receiving a diagnosis of a potentially live-altering chronic illness can throw someone for a loop. At AiArthritis, we know how it feels to go through this! We know it's a lot to take in & it can make you wonder... Who am I now?

AiArthritis Founder & CEO, Tiffany Westrich-Robertson talks about her experience going through this after diagnosis. If this is something you relate to, listen to the Mini Episode of our AiArthritis Voices 360 Talk Show, or check out the Who Am I Now resource post.

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Support Tool

This guidance was developed in response to family members (significant others, siblings, children of parents with AiArthritis diseases) requesting help to manage their stresses, concerns, and emotional issues associated with caring for someone living with AiArthritis diseases. Download and complete if you are a person living with these diseases AND if you are supporting someone living with it. Then compare answers and learn from one another what each person needs.

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Explaining Your Disease to Others

Sometimes when you have an autoimmune or autoinflammatory arthritis disease it can be overwhelming to try to explain to someone what your disease is and how it affects you. Download this resource to see examples of how fellow patients give "elevator pitches" or short summaries of what our diseases are.

If you want to learn more, listen to the Episode 85 of AiArthritis Voices 360 Talk Show liked below, and download the educational resource linked below.

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Other Resources

  • Disease List: Could you have an AiArthritis disease? Learn more, each disease listed breaks out to its own page.
  • OA vs AiArthritis e-Book: Learn the differences between osteoarthritis and autoimmune or autoinflammatory arthritis diseases
  • Treatment: Goes over some different types of treatment, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological
  • AiArthritis Blog

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  • Ep 48: Support: It's not so simple. Diverse needs for difference experiences

    Join Patrice, Effie, and Rick as they share their experiences with support - which all differ per personal relationships and perspectives. That means there are different needs that we must address to help everyone. What's YOUR story?

  • Ep 50: Grit, Gratitude, and Grace: How a Positive Mindset Can Improve Pain and Resilience

    Join Tiffany, Deb, and Patrice as they review a session from the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 2020 conference about pain and the brain/body connection.

  • Ep 64: The office visit - viewpoints from both the patients AND the rheumies!

    Join Tiffany, Deb, Katie, and Patrice AND Al and Jeff (Dr. Al Kim - Tiffany's own rheumy - and Dr. Jeff Sparks) as they talk about the EULAR session content around communication and office visit needs (patient side and rheumy side). 

  • Ep 65: Young and Invisible

    In this episode, Katie and Deb - both persons living with AiArthritis diseases - discuss being a young person suffering from a chronic illness. This episode discusses the challenges of being "Young and Invisible". From what being a "juveillive" may mean - and the age range that term can cover. To being younger and dealing with being in pain while managing a chronic illness you and your parents/caregivers are still trying to figure out for themselves.

  • Ep 75: The Whole Picture: Holistic, Personalized Therapy

    We often talk about the importance of Precision Medicine (which involves finding the best pharmacologic treatment for each person’s individual needs), but as we, as patients, identify what works best for our unique needs, we have to consider all options (both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical). Just as with our biologics and other disease modifying treatments - where one works for one person and not the other - we need to think about alternative therapies the same way. For example, just because you “tried diet”, did you try all the diets? We all need to find our own right combination of therapy - but what does that look like to you? In this episode Tiffany, Deb, and Bridget talk about personalized therapy, or complimentary, non-pharmacologic options, that are being researched and added to new recommendations for full disease management.

  • Ep 85: Elevator Pitches

    Have you found yourself struggling to explain your AiArthritis disease to others? 

    In this episode, our co-hosts Leila, Charis, and Patrice put a new topic on the table: how to explain your AiArthritis disease in a 30-60 second elevator pitch. From your workplace to your personal life, our co-hosts will provide practical tips on how to tailor your elevator pitch to different audiences such as co-workers, family, friends or strangers to help you confidently communicate your AiArthritis and advocate for yourself. Join us in this episode to listen to varying elevator pitches as well as have the opportunity to share your own and continue to help us build patient resources!


Share Your Story & Get Involved!

Sometimes the best medicine is diving in to learn more, meeting those who have similar lived experiences, and doing activities that can help to improve your health and the AiArthritis community!

Share Your Story:

Your story is unique and can potentially help us to help other patients. Let us know what the most difficult part about getting diagnosed was. What would you want fellow patients to know about YOUR AiArthritis disease? Your patient-identified issues can aid us in creating patient-infused solutions.

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