AiArthritis Voices 360 Main, Full Episode 73
Air Date: May 1, 2022
In this revisit to the table (Step 5 in our problem-solving process), Tiffany, Katie, Effie, Eileen, and Kerry discuss the many layers around the word “arthritis” including: 1) Misunderstandings around the word that can lead to delays in diagnosis, family and friend judgements, and the different type associated with “AUTO” diseases; and 2) Complexities that exist when trying to identify the AiArthritis from other potential comorbidities (Osteoarthritis, bursitis, enthesitis) and how clarity about this could help with detection, access to the right treatments, and overall better health outcomes.
This conversation takes many turns, all which address issues identified from lived patient experience. Why is differentiating arthritis types important? How many of us referenced family history to expedite diagnosis? How does public, family, and even doctor misunderstanding of our diseases play into diagnosis and exploring potential comorbidities? How accurate is the literature in regards to arthritis prevalence in comparison to what patients report to be true? They even started brainstorming the development of a new tool that could help the public, patients, and health providers better understand the layers of our diseases as well improve communication and overall disease journeys.
Now it’s YOUR turn to weigh in! There’s a lot to talk about, join us ‘at the table’ so, together, we can change the stories of tomorrow!
(Scroll down the page to learn how!)
All our main 1st Sunday of the month episodes are either an initial "put the topic on the table" episode (Step 2 in our organization's 6-step problem solving process) or a "revisit to the table" episode, where we build on a past show because we have moved forward in developing help, tools, or projects around the issue (Step 5 in our organization's 6-step process).
After each show airs we spin off the conversation into many discussions over various formats, which we now call #360its (new in 2022)!
Show Notes:
After this initial topic of the complexities of "arthritis" awareness was 'put on the table' for the first time in April 2022, we opened the topic up for others to start weighing in. This is called a #360it. 360it's can spin off into any direction, so the conversation continues and more voices are included in any solutions we work on.
#360it Spin Off Issue: Why is "arthritis" so complicated and how can we overcome this barrier to increase understanding and respect for AiArthritis diseases.
Spinning off of this episode is the #SarcChat360
Hosted every month on Twitter by Kerr Wong's @buttahflyk the May #SarcChat featured question inspired by this Talk Show episode:
For more search for #SarcChat360 on Twitter and join in on the conversation yourself! If you aren't on Twitter, comment on our Talk Show post (on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn), OR you can email us with your thoughts at
Don't forget to read Kerry's column about this: "The Importance of Asking Questions About Sarcoidosis and Arthritis"
Inspired to take action and help our community raise awareness about our diseases?
Get involved in World #AiArthritisDay
Stay tuned... more 360it's coming your way!
In the meantime, ANY issues you have with accessing your therapies (pharma or non-pharma), falls under this category, because legislation and government often regulate this. Submit your issues today using our RANT page. Who knows - it may become the next 360it!
Now it's YOUR TURN to join the conversation!
We want to know what you think! By continuing the conversation with your opinions and perspectives - we all get a better understanding of the problems facing our community. Better yet, through these conversations we can start working and developing solutions.
We mean it when say 360. Not only do we want your input anytime and anywhere, but we also are eager to see where the conversation will take us. So please, "pull up a seat at the table" and let's start talking!
Email us at, message us on social media (find us by searching for @IFAiArthritis)
Our AiArthritis Voices 360 Talk Show is just a piece of larger program - the AiArthritis Voices Program.
AiArthritis Voices is our program where people living with AiArthritis diseases and other stakeholders who we need 'at the table' to solve problems that impact education, advocacy, and research sign up to have a voice in our initiatives.
If you want to get more involved, and see more of the opportunities we have for you (and all stakeholders) please check out the
AiArthritis Voices Program. Unite with others around the world to talk, learn, and connect.
Your Co-Hosts & Guests: Who is at the table this episode?
Tiffany is the CEO at International Foundation for AiArthritis and uses her professional expertise in mind-mapping and problem solving to help others, like her, who live with AiArthritis diseases work in unison to identify and solve unresolved community issues. For the last several years, she has continued her education in research, including becoming a professional focus group moderator, and translated this experience at our organization to develop award-winning, innovative projects that are taking patient engagement to next levels.
Tiffany has served on several advisory boards, including those to advance patient voices in policy, clinical trials, and precision medicine. In addition to reviewing grants at PCORI and for the Department of Defense, she was the sole patient grant reviewer for the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin diseases from 2015-2018. She currently participates as a Patient Research Partner for OMERACT (Outcome Measures in Rheumatology), co-leads our organizations' international effort to advance patient voices in rheumatology research (the ACTion Council) and has dedicated her professional career to developing other patients to utilize their voices to impact the future of millions.
Effie Koliopoulos
Effie Koliopoulos is a freelance health writer, storyteller, content creator, and arthritis advocate based in Chicago, IL. She has a B.A. in journalism, public relations, and screenwriting. She’s currently working on children’s picture books and other projects. Follow her along:
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Diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (now called Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis) at age 12 and found her home at
AiArthritis as Senior Program & Communications Manager. She earned a Masters of Public Administration, nonprofit management concentration, from Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan.
After too many years with doctors who either didn't believe her or couldn't figure things out, Kerry was eventually diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Sarcoidosis, Small Fiber Neuropathy, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Sjögren's Syndrome (to name a few). As these conditions took their toll and she became less physically able, Kerry became empowered to use her voice to advocate for herself and for patients like her. Her primary goals are to help other chronic illness warriors know they are not alone in their experience and to help those who care about these warriors to get a better understanding of what that experience entails. Kerry currently volunteers as New York State Advocacy Chair and Platinum Ambassador with Arthritis Foundation, and Patient Ambassador/Peer Mentor with Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research. She has also advocated with the American College of Rheumatology, Support Fibromyalgia Network, and Rare Disease Legislative Advocates, and assisted on numerous projects with International Foundation for Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Arthritis. . Kerry does all she can to support the arthritis, sarcoidosis, chronic illness, and rare disease communities. She has shared her patient experience in speaking engagements across the country and virtually, and hosts a monthly sarcoidosis Twitter Chat (#SarcChat). Most recently, she has become a columnist with Sarcoidosis News, sharing her experience and insights, inviting others to Float Like a Buttahfly with her.
● Website:
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● Instagram: @buttahflyk
● Twitter: @buttahflyk
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Eileen Davidson is a rheumatoid arthritis patient advocate from Vancouver Canada. She volunteers with the Arthritis Research Canada patient advisory board and the Canadian Institute of Health Research - Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis patient engagement research ambassador, among others. When not advocating she is writing about her experience with arthritis through Creaky Joints, Healthline, Chronic Eileen or can be found being a mom to her son Jacob.
● Twitter: @ChronicEileen
For the duration of May 20th annually as it passes through ALL time zones globally.
Lack of awareness leads to relationship conflicts, delayed diagnosis, compromised quality of life, and elevated healthcare costs. Join the awareness efforts!
Learn the differences between the most common form of arthritis, Osteoarthritis (OA), and the diseases associated with AiArthritis.
In this episode, join Tiffany, Rick, Effie, Deb, Patrice, Suz, and Judy as they talk about the frustrations surrounding the word "arthritis". They talk about how misunderstandings lead to delays in diagnosis and treatment and public confusion (it's not all the same!) They also go into a touchy subject - changing disease names to avoid the word altogether.
Join Tiffany Westrich-Robertson, as she discusses the importance of raising awareness as she teaches you how to creatively compare different arthritis types through Auto-themed activities.
In this episode, we expand the conversation from patient-reported issues about the need to differentiate arthritis types to including the rheumatologist point of view. What can patients and rheumatologists do to help educate primary care physicians - and other rheumatologists - to consider the AUTO disease features + arthritis to increase detection, referrals, and diagnosis? How can organizations and patient-focused companies get involved?
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International Foundation for AiArthritis
6605 Nottingham Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63109-2661
Tax ID: 27-1214308
Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Information on this site is intended for informational purposes only Our foundation does not engage in the practice of medicine. Please consult a physician to obtain personal healthcare and treatment options. 501(c) 3 Nonprofit Tax ID: 27-1214308.