AiArthritis Voices 360 Full Episode 68
Air Date: December 5, 2021
In this episode, AiArthritis CEO - and person living with axial spondyloarthritis - throws a topic on the table that everyone can relate to...ranting.
We all experience situations of frustration, when something we believe in, we want to happen, we wish could be different hits the point where we must vent. Sometimes that vent is to ourselves, other times it's public for all to see. We rant for support, to bring change, to be heard, or to get something off our chest. Regardless of the reason, sometimes it's just necessary.
Tiffany introduces two issues that are directly related to ranting. The first builds on years of wanting for Patient Organizations to be more accepted and involved at American College of Rheumatology (ACR) annual conventions.
A letter just for patients who want to have a voice in future advancement of a Patient Track at future meetings - this will be available in January 2022!
Then, Tiffany introduces a new initiative at
AiArthritis -
Caution: Rant Ahead! Realizing there is no where in our community for people affected with
AiArthritis diseases to vent privately, we started a venting platform. Submit your rant, which will not be visible to others outside of our organization. Submit anonymous or leave your name and email, it's up to you. Rants submitted may be discussed on future episodes of this show, on social media, or if enough patients rant about the same issue then maybe even a project!
Click here to submit a rant!
(Scroll down the page to learn how!)
Now it's YOUR TURN to join the conversation!
We want to know what you think! By continuing the conversation with your opinions and perspectives - we all get a better understanding of the problems facing our community. Better yet, through these conversations we can start working and developing solutions.
We mean it when say 360. Not only do we want your input anytime and anywhere, but we also are eager to see where the conversation will take us. So please, "pull up a seat at the table" and let's start talking!
Email us at, message us on social media (find us by searching for @IFAiArthritis)
Our AiArthritis Voices 360 Talk Show is just a piece of larger program - the AiArthritis Voices Program.
AiArthritis Voices is our program where people living with AiArthritis diseases and other stakeholders who we need 'at the table' to solve problems that impact education, advocacy, and research sign up to have a voice in our initiatives.
If you want to get more involved, and see more of the opportunities we have for you (and all stakeholders) please check out the
AiArthritis Voices Program. Unite with others around the world to talk, learn, and connect.
Your Co-Hosts & Guests: Who is at the table this episode?
Tiffany is the CEO at International Foundation for AiArthritis and uses her professional expertise in mind-mapping and problem solving to help others, like her, who live with AiArthritis diseases work in unison to identify and solve unresolved community issues. For the last several years, she has continued her education in research, including becoming a professional focus group moderator, and translated this experience at our organization to develop award-winning, innovative projects that are taking patient engagement to next levels.
Tiffany has served on several advisory boards, including those to advance patient voices in policy, clinical trials, and precision medicine. In addition to reviewing grants at PCORI and for the Department of Defense, she was the sole patient grant reviewer for the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin diseases from 2015-2018. She currently participates as a Patient Research Partner for OMERACT (Outcome Measures in Rheumatology), co-leads our organizations' international effort to advance patient voices in rheumatology research (the ACTion Council) and has dedicated her professional career to developing other patients to utilize their voices to impact the future of millions.
Watch all the #ACR21 patient-led bebriefs with Tiffany, Katie, Deb and Effie Koliopoulos (aka @RisingAboveRa on Twitter), Stephanie Aleite (aka @theYoungFace_RA on Twitter) 0 who join us as part of our "Go With Us" program!
Join Tiffany, Deb, Patrice, Katie, and Leslie, who are attending #EULAR2021 for with our organization, as they lead reviews, and expanded patient-to-patient conversations about the sessions, in Debrief #1 of the EULAR 2021 Congress!
The purpose of the initial Pathway is to trace the evolution of patient engagement in rheumatology research, including identifying historical milestones, novel “firsts”, and tools. Then, as patient involvement continues to popularize and branch off into different directions, we can build on past successes and stay abreast of what is happening in the current landscape.
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International Foundation for AiArthritis
6605 Nottingham Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63109-2661
Tax ID: 27-1214308
Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Information on this site is intended for informational purposes only Our foundation does not engage in the practice of medicine. Please consult a physician to obtain personal healthcare and treatment options. 501(c) 3 Nonprofit Tax ID: 27-1214308.