The establishment of Rheumy Rounds is based on patient-reported needs to enhance communication and relationship management with their rheumatologists, so issues they deem important could be addressed in a manner that would lead to improved outcomes. The word "Rheumy" is used because this is what patients call their rheumatologists (slang).
Ideally, each initial episode will enlist a minimum of two patients and two rheumatology professionals to participate in roundtable discussions that address topics* suggested by one (or both) stakeholder groups.
Thank you to Dr. Alfred Kim "Al", rheumatologist and Assistant Professor of Medicine and of Pathology & Immunology at Washington University School of Medicine, founder and director of the Washington University Lupus Clinic, and Tiffany's rheumy (our CEO and primary Talk Show Co-Host), for helping us spearhead this project.
In addition to Dr. Kim ("Al"), we have other recurring "rheumys" - Dr. Vibeke Strand, Dr. Jeff Sparks, and Dr. Lisa Zickhur - but all health professionals are welcome (even if you aren't a 'rheumy'). Are YOU a rheumatology professional and interested in participating? Whether you would like to be on an episode, or simply advise from behind the scenes, we have a seat for you at our table. Please email for more information.
RheumyRounds was made possible with support from Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS)
In this RheumyRounds Part One of two episodes, Tiffany Westrich-Robertson (axial spondyloarthritis) and Deb Constien (rheumatoid arthritis) are joined by rheumatologist Dr. Lisa Zickuhr to highlight the importance of communication, compassion and openness in bettering patient-doctor relationships. While we discuss a little of the Bad and Ugly, Lisa largely focuses on the Good.
They also invite YOU to share YOUR Good, Bad, and Ugly office visit stories so, together, a team of patients and rheumies can work together to create recommendations for best in office communication practices that can improve the future of patient-rheumy office visit communication!
In this RheumyRounds episode, Tiffany Westrich-Robertson (axial spondyloarthritis) and Deb Constien (rheumatoid arthritis) are joined by rheumatologist Dr. Al Kim "Al" (also Tiffany's rheumy) to highlight the importance of communication, compassion and openness in bettering patient-doctor relationships. While Part One focused largely on the Good, in Part Two we get more into the Bad and the Ugly.
They also invite YOU to share YOUR Good, Bad, and Ugly office visit stories so, together, a team of patients and rheumies can work together to create recommendations for best in office communication practices that can improve the future of patient-rheumy office visit communication!
The following four episodes (two approximately one hour in length and two short segments) were all produced from one conversation between a rheumatologist, researcher, and two people living with AiArthritis diseases, which focused on potential causes for communication barriers that may exist between patient and doctor during office visits. The discussion was robust, and at times lighthearted, but they achieved something novel - doctors, researchers, and patients all "at the table" as equals, working towards solutions to improve experiences for both stakeholder groups. As a result, all parties involved reported not only did they learn from this experience, but they took something away that will alter the way they think of office visits in the future.
This episode join your patient co-hosts, Tiffany and Kelly, as they are joined by roundtable guests - rheumatologist, Dr. Alfred Kim, and graduate researcher Jerik Leung as we dive right into the heart of the issue - communication barriers that currently existing between patients and their rheumatologists.
This mini-episode captures a break out discussion between Kelly and Jerik about the research Jerik and his team have been working on regarding social support and the need for people with AiArthritis diseases to find others, like us, who understand our journey.
Join patient co-hosts Tiffany and Kelly, along with roundtable guests rheumatologist, Dr. Alfred Kim, and graduate researcher Jerik Leung, as they conclude the first conversation in our exciting breakout series called Rheumy Rounds on improving communication between doctors and patients.
Patients not only come to the visit potentially planning to present new information, but their past experiences throughout their disease journey also can impact the visit dynamic. How do rheumies consider history and other social determinants when planning for the visit?
October 31st, 2021 - Episode 67
Making Informed Decisions in Unprecedented Times
Deb, Tiffany and Katie discuss making informed decisions in the age of COVID-19, and the impact of those choices. They hope to stop misinformation and provide tools and resources for their listeners.
July 4th, 2021 - Episode #63
COVID-19, Vaccinations, Shared-Decision Making, & Rheumy Communications
This week join your patient co-hosts Tiffany and Deb, as they welcome Al and Jeff (Dr. Al Kim and Dr. Jeff Sparks) to talk about the latest in COVID-19 research and vaccinations, including variants, antibodies, and the importance of communicating with your doctor about boosters and the evolving landscape (shared-decision making).
April 4th, 2021 - Episode #60
COVID Blues: It's ok to ask for help
This week join your patient co-hosts Kelly Conway and Rick Phillips as they are joined by Heather Kenjorski to discuss mental health AiArthritis patients, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Special Air Date and Time! February 24th, 2021 - Episode #57
COVID-19 & Vaccinations Communication, Education, & Shared-Decision Making
Who's at the table? Patient Co-Hosts Tiffany Westrich-Robertson & Kelly Conway are joined by Dr's Al Kim, Vibeke Strand, and Jeff Sparks as they discuss patient and rheumatologist vaccination hesitation and key education points, while providing insights to assess benefits and risks and promote shared-decision making strategies.
February 21st, 2021 - Episode #56
Minisode Special: Decision Making w/ Vaccinations & Special Rheumy Rounds Announcement!
This episode, join your patient co-host, Tiffany Westrich-Robertson, CEO of the International Foundation for Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory Arthritis, as she introduces the special report episode (airing Wednesday the 24th) on rheumy/patient communication vaccine issues and the importance of shared decision making.
January 24th, 2021 - Episode #54
COVID-19 & AiArthritis Series: Vaccine Questions & Mixed Messages
Tiffany and Dr Kim discuss the COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Kim and his colleagues are leading a study called COVID-19 Vaccine Responses in Patients with Autoimmune Diseases which seeks to examine the quantity and quality of immune responses generated to the vaccine by autoimmune patients, as well as the safety of the vaccine for those patients. He provides answers to all of our patient-generated questions and provides actionable advice you can use to make the best decision for your own care.
International Foundation for AiArthritis
6605 Nottingham Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63109-2661
Tax ID: 27-1214308
Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Information on this site is intended for informational purposes only Our foundation does not engage in the practice of medicine. Please consult a physician to obtain personal healthcare and treatment options. 501(c) 3 Nonprofit Tax ID: 27-1214308.