AiArthritis logo showing stylized infinite loop symbol in red with black dots, above organization name for International Foundation for Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Arthritis.

Corporate "Endorsing" Supporters

In Conjunction with World AUTOimmune & AUTOinflammatory Arthritis Day

& AiArthritis Local Event

Support the "Race-A-Thon" to drive AUTOimmune & AUTOinflammatory Arthritis disease awareness!

Corporate "Endorsing" Supporters include: companies, large pharmacy chains, medical supply companies, health stores, and other businesses who are passionate about our cause.

More detailed information is provided in our brochure, but here’s a brief summary of how you can contribute to our efforts.

List of Services

List of Services

More Questions? Or Ready to Sign Up?

If you have additional questions about the event, please send an email to Julia Manis, Program Assistant, at Please note, if you already know in what ways you would like to support the event, you can fill out the Corporate "Endorsing" Support Form below!

Sign Up as a Corporate "Endorsing" Supporter! Email Julia with Questions
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