The International Foundation for Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory Arthritis (AiArthritis) is hosting a #MyStills social media campaign for Still’s Disease Awareness Day. Have Still's Disease? Get Involved!
How can you get involved in the #MyStills Social Media Campaign?
Other hashtags you could use include: #StillsDisease #Autoinflammatory #RareDisease #AiArthritis
The goal is clear - To educate others about Still’s Disease.
Disclaimer and Usage of AiArthritis of Graphics. Awareness Graphics: We appreciate your interest in supporting our cause and spreading awareness about Still’s disease using the graphics provided by AiArthritis. It's essential, however, that we all use these resources responsibly and ethically to ensure our mission’s integrity. Below are some guidelines for using these graphics while respecting their intended purpose. The graphics provided are intended solely for non-commercial purposes related to our cause. Please refrain from using them in any way that generates profit, financial gain, or personal benefit. Educational and Awareness Activities: Feel free to use the graphics in educational presentations, awareness campaigns, and events that directly promote our cause. However, ensure that these activities are centered around raising awareness and not aimed at personal gain. Respect Attribution: The graphics provided belong were created by AiArthritis to support Still’s Disease Awareness Day and should not be copied for other purposes. Your support in using our #MyStills graphics responsibly is appreciated in spreading awareness for the cause. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to making a difference and spreading awareness about Still’s Disease
Choose your graphic. Click on the image to open in a new window. Print!
Please Note: By downloading and reusing these templates you agree not to alter or modify the existing frames in any way that could distort their original meaning or message that supports Still’s Disease Awareness. This includes cropping, editing graphics and logos. You may add content to the center areas of these graphics to customize for your message.
Not sure what to say? Here are some thoughts to build on:
Choose your graphic. Click on the image to open in a new window. Save to your computer. Upload to your graphic program of choice.
Please Note: By downloading and reusing these templates you agree not to alter or modify the existing frames in any way that could distort their original meaning or message that supports Still’s Disease Awareness. This includes cropping, editing graphics and logos. You may add content to the center areas of these graphics to customize for your message.
We've also made Still’s Disease graphics for you to share via your personal social media pages.
Choose your graphic and click to open in a new window. Right click, save. Share on your social media using #MyStills and #StillsDay!
Please Note: By downloading and reusing these templates you agree not to alter or modify the existing frames in any way that could distort their original meaning or message that supports Still’s Disease Awareness. This includes cropping, editing graphics and logos. You may add content to the center areas of these graphics to customize for your message.
The #MyStills Social Media Campaign is just ONE part of Still's Disease Awareness Day! Learn more about the webinar, fundraising, and other activities, too!
International Foundation for AiArthritis
6605 Nottingham Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63109-2661
Tax ID: 27-1214308
Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Information on this site is intended for informational purposes only Our foundation does not engage in the practice of medicine. Please consult a physician to obtain personal healthcare and treatment options. 501(c) 3 Nonprofit Tax ID: 27-1214308.